Training courses tailored towards the needs of your business

Unlike other training providers ETS won’t sell you a bulk package if it is not relevant to your staff and business. We won’t tie you in to purchasing a minimum amount of courses user licenses and we won’t sell you courses that are not relevant to your business.

We price our courses depending on which courses are selected and the number of candidates required, saving money for small and large businesses alike.

With our expert guidance, you choose the courses to suit your needs from the course list on our website and we’ll provide a bespoke package with competitive pricing.

Onsite Training Courses

If you have a suitable meeting room or open space we can deliver all of our first aid training courses at your premises. A maximum of 12 candidates can attend our first aid courses. Up to 30 people can attend our manual handling course.

Our Training Centre

If you do not have space to hold training at your premises we can provide training at one of our venues with some notice.

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